Sunday, January 26, 2014

Now self destruction . . . . .

On track so far . . . . My exercise goals for 2014 are somewhat designed to inflict maximum pain.  After all, "I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all."

Exercise Goals for 2014:
Running:  650 miles (12.5 miles / week)
Biking:  1500 miles (29 miles / week)
Swimming:  100 km (~1 mile / week)
Complete 26 Sprint Triathlons (750m swim / 20km bike / 5km run) - 1 per pay period
Complete full 5X Devil's Basement in 1 hour (1000 pushups, 1500 situps / 110 pullups)

In addition, complete the following workouts as many times as practicable in 2014:
Carneal Cuatro:  Sprint Triathlon + 3x Devil's Basement (600 pushups / 900 situps / 66 pullups)
V for Vendetta:  1000 m swim, 5 mile run, 25 km bike, 5 X Devil's Basement Workout

1 comment:

  1. Awesome...I'm trying to do ONE mini-tri in June. Been running and biking; swimming is 12 laps, so I can suffer through that.

    You are nuts!


The fire rises
