Thursday, March 29, 2018

Song of the day - Underclass Hero by Sum 41

Is it wrong for me to hope that this ends up being Ryan's perspective.  I certainly don't want him ending up like me.....

Underclass Hero by Sum 41

Well, I won't be caught living in a dead end job
Or pray to a government content god
No sense against them; we're here to represent
To stare right in the face of the establishment
I don't believe (The young are frankly nothing)
Stand on my own (You get no sympathy)
Wasting your youth (I'm feeling young and useless)
Speak for yourself
Well, because we're doing fine
And we don't need to be told
That we're doing fine
'Cause we won't give you control
And we don't need anything from you
'Cause we'll be just fine
And we won't be bought and sold
Just like you
Calling out loud with no respect
I'm not the one, just another reject
I'm the voice you affect; I'll lose and protect
I saw you against the great America we'll rise against
Now we're desensitized (I'll be replacing nowhere)
Burning the flag (a different generation)
Everyone see (We hit the road, no future)
Down with the mass (You better listen now)
Well, because we're doing fine
And we don't need to be told
That we're doing fine
'Cause we won't give you control
And we don't need anything from you
'Cause we'll be just fine
And we won't be bought and sold
Just like you
May I have your attention, please?
I pledge allegiance to the underclass as your hero at large
One, two, three, four
We're the saints of degeneration
We don't owe anyone an explanation
Fuck the the leaders; we don't need this
We're the elite of disarray
Well, because we're doing fine
And we don't need to be told
That we're doing fine
'Cause we won't give you control
And we don't need anything from you
'Cause we'll be just fine
And we won't be bought and sold
Just like you

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Fasting and Felling with Fosters

Fasting has unearthed unexpected benefits. After a 10 day fast, I had lost approximately the same amount of weight as I had in the first 6 months of a running and caloric restriction campaign. Now, every time I see someone running to get in shape, I want to yell “YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!” at them.

But I have found that weight loss is not the primary goal, nor the primary lesson.

So far I’ve completed three extended fasts: a 10 day fast and two separate three day fasts.

Extended fasting amplifies everything. Taste, smell, general awareness, emotion. Fasting takes you on an almost unreal roller coaster ride of emotion, ranging from joy to outright rage. At the point of transition to ketosis (~2 days in), I thrice experienced an unbelievable high and sense of almost perfect calm. Day 6 of the 10 day fast was utterly horrific, a mix of rage and depression coming in waves all day. The other days were all well above average, and on the whole, I just felt relaxed. After day 8, I didn’t even think about food. By day 10, I didn’t want or need it.

Coming off the fast is every bit as revealing as the fast itself. Just as a fast amplifies emotion, the taste and effects of food on your system are amplified.

The first bite of Santa Cruz dark roast organic peanut butter that I had after the 10 day fast was the best bite of food I have ever eaten.

Before fasting I suspected that I had a gluten sensitivity. After fasting I knew it. I could feel it. Intake of gluten produced almost immediate systemic inflammation. I just hadn’t notice it before because it had always been there.

I have been doing other experiments as well to determine the effects of other foods. Refined sugars almost always send me into a short-lived bout of belligerance. And on the whole, I haven’t craved sweets like I used to. I think the body craves whatever it’s currently running on, so when you are fed your body craves carbs, and when you are in ketosis your body craves fats.

Another discovery was the recognition that eating multiple times a day actually ruins food. Food intake multiple times a day actually cheapens the eating experience. After fasting, everything tastes amazing. After a few days of eating, food returns to its normal, bland, underwhelming state. I guess that’s just like anything else. No wonder work is such a fucking bore.

So now, I’m trying to work out a balance. One meal a day my next little experiment this week, starting on Monday. We’ll see how that goes.

In the end, I have a feeling I may just keep ping-ponging between feast and fast. I’ve never had good balance. This evening, after failing seven times to slingshot a rope into what remains of a topped tree on my property line, I gave up, went inside, started a Foster’s oil can, went outside halfway through, and over the course of that oil can and another one cut several smaller trees down with nothing but my pruning handsaw, while also grilling sausages and banging out pullups in the front lawn. After dinner I continued the tree slaughter. Eventually I was told to stop murdering trees and come inside.

I’m pretty sure that the neighbor’s kid now thinks I am a psychopath and Katy is somewhat perturbed by the tree carcasses now littering the yard, but I had a great time.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Star trek TNG...more like WTF?

I did not edit this. This is the original scene:

Laughed my ass off when I first saw it. Riker and Picard straight up murder another star fleet officer, along with what i assume is a high ranking official of an undocumented alien species, and in the end everyone's OK with it.

A quick rewatch reveals that Riker's beam is the one that explodes Remmick's head. Sick fuck.

Know when to pull it

Google account deleted.  Was able to save the blog by offloading permissions.

So, if you ever email me incorrectly at gmail, I won't be responding :)

"Peace has cost you your strength....Victory has defeated you!"  - Bane

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hyperion Cantos

Wow, after discovering this book thanks to a string of "coincidences," they just keep piling up.  This is the character I most relate to (the poet), after having his vocabulary reduced to nine expletives after an inordinately long hypersleep.

Sent from my Galaxy Tab A (2016)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

fun with python

I highly recommend that anyone interested in programming install Anaconda.  It turns Python into a Matlab-like environment, particularly if you use the Spyder IDE that installs with Anaconda. 

Plus, it's.....FREE!  And has free modules for just about anything.

This little widget that I run to track my fasts and countdown to retirement only took about 60 lines of code, including comments (code provided below).

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Feb 14 10:03:23 2018

@author: JBC4

from tkinter import *
import time
from datetime import datetime

#Get user inputs
fastStart = input('Input Fast Start Date and Time (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS):  ')
dateData = datetime.strptime(fastStart,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
fastLength = int(input('Input length of fast in hours: '))

# Calculate the number of days between today and VERA eligibility
retirementDate = datetime.strptime('10/04/2029',"%m/%d/%Y")
currentDay =
deltaDays = retirementDate - currentDay
daysLeft = 'Days to VERA: ' + str(deltaDays.days)
yearsLeft = 'Years Left:  ' + str(round(deltaDays.days/365,2))

# Build and run the clock
root = Tk()
root.title("Carneal's Progress Tracker")
time1 = ''
clock = Label(root, font=('times', 48, 'bold'), bg='yellow')
pctLine = Label(root,font=('times',48,'bold'),bg='yellow')
retirementLine = Label(root,font=('times',48,'bold'),bg='yellow')
yearsLine = Label(root,font=('times',48,'bold'),bg='yellow')
clock.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

def tick():
    global time1
    # get the current local time from the PC
    time2 = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
    # if time string has changed, update it
    if time2 != time1:
        time1 = time2
        now = time.localtime()
        hoursFasted = (24-dateData.hour)+(now[2]-(*24+now[3]+now[4]/60
        pctComplete = (hoursFasted/fastLength)*100
        displayNum = 'Hours Fasted:  ' + str(round(hoursFasted,2))
        displayPct = '% Complete: ' + str(round(pctComplete,2))+'%'
    # calls itself every 200 milliseconds
    # to update the time display as needed
    # could use >200 ms, but display gets jerky
    clock.after(200, tick)
root.mainloop(  )

Friday, March 2, 2018

US Collapse – the Spectacle of Our Time

US Collapse – the Spectacle of Our Time

Sent from ProtonMail mobile

The fire rises
