Friday, August 30, 2013

In honor of my navy pals . . .

Torpedo in a glass with a special message just for them:

Pursue your dreams

Full circle

Funny how the British government has come to represent the will of the people better than the US government.

I found the following story on the NPR iPhone App:

British Parliament Closes Door On Syria Intervention
by Eyder Peralta

NPR - August 29, 2013

After debating deep into the night, the British House of Commons refused a precursory resolution on military strikes in Syria. The resolution, which failed 272-285, called for a second vote to authorize military action once the U.N. inspectors have issued their findings on whether the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad used chemical weapons against its own people....

Monday, August 26, 2013

Fun quizzes

This one said if I had a daemon (golden compass reference) it would be a honey badger (curmudgeonly soul).  The description was dead on.

And the old (short sci fi quiz) classic, I'm Worf ("perhaps today is a good day to die!")

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Idiocy Act

"Making political experts worry that only the wealthy will be able to serve in Congress."

Is it me or have these so-called political "experts" forgotten the ENTIRE history of American politics?

I guess they forgot that originally you had to be rich to vote. So a bunch of rich white douchebags go to Philadelphia and conjure a government just like the one from which they secede. Except, they make it completely dysfunctional! By the time the vote opened up to normal people, they had already rigged the game so it didn't matter for whom you vote.

Only in America can you be so revered for failing on such a massive scale.
The founding fathers were either completely retarded or evil geniuses. Probably a roughly even mix of each, with some STD-based dementia filling out the rest.

Also, it's so nice that Congress gets to vote on whether or not to freeze their wages. What a sacrifice for a bunch of self-important plutocrats. I'm sure half of them or more are so delusional as to think they still serve a purpose in society.

Meanwhile, federal employees just have to keep taking the freeze without any say. And unlike our "esteemed" members of Congress, federal employees can't make up the difference by accepting large anonymous donations from every shady interest in the world.

You really want to see these pigs squeal? Start calling them en masse and agitate for a law to ban lobbying. If they passed a law that really hit their wallets, then you can report that to me and expect that I will be impressed. Not that you, an ordinary citizen, would ever be allowed to speak to one of them without first buying a dinner for $10k or making a ludicrous donation to their campaign. Without a lot of hard cash, you will only be speaking to the brainwashed teenagers from BFE answering their office phones. Remember, these kids are volunteering to be a sort of less-than-qualified insurance agents. Their job is to reject as many claims (complaints?) as possible.

At this point, I would be impressed if the "honorable" members of Congress passed any meaningful legislation at all. And I mean from this point in time to the end of American history. Like I said before, only in America can you be so revered for failure on such a massive scale.

Guess I know now why the founding fathers didn't include the option for a vote of no confidence in their sporty new failure machine . . .

Thursday, August 15, 2013

More proof

For the argument that aliens visited earth and left, deciding there was no sign of intelligent life:

Monday, August 12, 2013

Eating on a budget

Breakfast at hotel, snacks at the course (bagels and fruit), and my budget dinner for the week pictured here, courtesy of Walmart in Pocatello, ID

Monday, August 5, 2013

Easily distracted - best ways to use a fake crisis

Rather convenient timing for a global threat identified by an embattled blanket surveillance program, don't you think?

I find the part about a 180 degree change in the debate particularly delicious.

Next thing you know, Prism will find those pesky WMDs.

I found the following story on the NPR iPhone App:

Terror Threat Shakes Up NSA Debate, Unites Some Lawmakers
by Mark Memmott

NPR - August 5, 2013

The Obama administration's weekend decision to close diplomatic posts from Central Asia through the Middle East and into North Africa has led to applause from "rattled lawmakers in both parties," The Washington Post writes....

The fire rises
