Friday, December 2, 2011

And my dreams just grew back to normal size

I have to hand it to Carbon Leaf. Blue Ridge Laughing just popped on Pandora.

"I am unearthed and no longer scared. I am unearthed and no longer care."

If you had your life to live over, what would you choose to be? If the answer is anything but yourself, it's time to make a change. The thing of it is, our society forces you to build a lot of inertia at a young age. Before you even know who you are you are being groomed for a career. Sorry kid, you chose poorly, now sit at a desk in a job you hate for 30 years and see where that gets you. That is, if you are lucky enough to live that long.

It certainly doesn't help that these jobs we hate pay so damn well. No wonder innovation has stifle in this country. It's so easy to sit an collect a check. There's too much risk in taking the chance to try and find something you love, or if not quite finding that extreme, then at least something you don't hate.

People are so afraid of failure they sacrifice their lived to the status quo. Keeping silent or locked within any questions, convincing themselves either through false logic or chemistry that it's all OK.

As for me, I am beginning to feel an ever-increasing need to find something different. I fear for my sanity if I fail to keep searching for new lines of inspiration that can keep my focus. To stop moving is to become the dead weight you see wandering the hallways, as if zombified by a meaningless existence. I am not willing to accept such a fate.

The problem with total sobriety is that truth begins to unflinchingly stare you in the face. If this is what 75 days of not drinking can do, I can't wait to experience 365. Maybe by them I will have stopped treating water and started swimming.


  1. much thinking here, neal. I see two options, take the paycheck, and while your body is trapped at the desk, free your mind. OR let's open a business for people who need - services. If people have a problem and no one else can help, and if they can find us, we can be hired. I'd quit drinking for a job like that.

  2. I'll be your sugar momma- go ahead & live the Office Space dream.


The fire rises
