Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Ryan's first fast bike ride....with training wheels

Just a note for posterity, and to make us smile down the road...Ryan had his self-propelled bike ride yesterday.  His first ride was outside my parents house on the same road I first rode on, this past weekend.  But yesterday was the first time he pedaled hard, and with some help made it up some slight hills.  He loved going back down the hills fast, a huge grin and what I call his "delighted yet sinister" laugh (a bit of a mwahahahahaha) as he went fast.  He did a great job keeping the bike on the road and watching out for cars, even while flying down the street.

A great memory to store for those rainy days.

At it again

Fasted again for the first time in a while.  Not sure why I ever gave it up, except that it's <slightly> difficult.

Woke up last night when Ryan came into the room coughing, poor guy.  We got him some medicine, and he stayed with us.  Usually I feel a bit of annoyance when woken up, but at about hour 32 of fasting I felt totally zen about it.

I ultimately went to the couch so I could hear Elinor (we had a fan running to cover up the coughing in our room), and let my thoughts wander for a while.  Then more restful sleep than I've had in a long time.

Just more proof that most of the food we have available is poison.  As part of this 6 week trek (and maybe more), I plan to test out different foods at the end of each intermittent fasting day to see what effects they have on my mood.

It's pretty clear that peanuts screw up my mood pretty bad.  Today I'll test almonds to see if they have the same effect.

That's about it for now.

The fire rises
