Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Why I have come to hate food

Dishes still left to do tonight. Plus, over the past few years I have come to hate the act of cooking itself. And eating as well. The monotonous routine of cooking, eating, cleaning, bedtime. It's so fucked up. 

Katy doesn't understand the Soylent. Pop top, drink, recycle. Done. No mess. Meal in 5 minutes.  Not two hours plus overtime.

All food is tending toward tasting the same anyway, as in if I've had it before, it's just the same shit again.  Just the same, processed, gooey shit.

Oh well, time to clean up this garbage heap.....and then do it again ad infinitum. 

All the other little shit that needs to be done around the house reminds me that this is too much house. During the deluge today, was out in the yard clearing a drainage ditch and widening parts of it.  Standing in the monsoon, I had to admit that the world probably won't last long enough in it's current state for Ryan and Elinor to have our standard of living.  Ankle deep in water flooding the driveway and knee deep in the bullshit, I'm not so sure I would have them repeat my mistakes.

Can't to retire to a condo. Or better yet, a lightweight trailer that can be pulled by van. 

Those tiny house fuckers have their shit straight. The American dream is and always has been bullshit. 

One down, tons to go!

Sacha Baron Cohen ridicule prompts Georgia lawmaker to quit - BBC News

Darwin was wrong. It's devolution. The pyramids should have tipped us off.

It's okay, everyone is paying!

US to give farmers $12bn trade war bailout - BBC News

[Sigh].....Well at least the price of my soy products will fall. Just kidding, agricorp inc will just increase their profits and hold end user prices the same.

That's it. I'm signing up for the Trump train 2020. This train wreck of a country is burning too slowly. Let's pour on the gasoline!

The fire rises
