Thursday, October 25, 2018
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Castle of Glass
Sunday, October 7, 2018
FocusWriter plug / link
Pretty nifty application that lets you focus on writing. You can set it to highlight all text, or just the paragraph you are currently working on. You can enable optional typewriter sounds. Which I would like to get a working typewriter at some point, the one my parents brought up that I used to use in high school was DOA and would have been a project in itself to revive.
FocusWriter also has built-in alarms and controls if you want to set a goal for number of words to write a day. I haven't used this feature, but whenever I get around to writing the book that's been floating around in my head, I will definitely use that feature to keep writing.
Just a short plug. All my recent posts have been written using FocusWriter. It's good to have nothing else on your screen to distract you from the words.
The truth about sports
My parents came up to help watch Elinor, and before we put her to bed we set up the TV antenna so my dad could watch the VT game. For about 20 minutes before heading to bed, I unfortunately saw a bit of the Miami vs. Florida State game (I think). But what struck me was a commercial for a Samsung TV, in which a bearded man and his friends sat catatonic, slack-jawed, staring at a game on the latest 84 inch 4k TV. It was an oddly honest picture of what our corporate overlords wish you to become.
After putting Elinor to bed, I considered writing an honest book about sports from my perspective, sort of a dictionary-style list of everything I hate about sports. Here's a few of the ones I brainstormed:
Sports - an amalgum of activities designed to distract the general populace from actual issues, either by encouraged participation or socially-forced spectation. Participation in some form of sport is recommended as a drain for energy and rage that may otherwise be turned against the ruling class.
Athlete - a person with more muscles than brains.
Professional Athlete - an athlete with a wallet size that far exceeds their brain capacity
Baseball - an extremely dull game where one meathead throws a ball in the vicinity of another meathead, who tries to hit the ball with a stick so other meatheads can try to get it before he runs in a diamond pattern.
Cricket - the international version of baseball, with the added benefit of longer games and incomprehensibility.
Basketball - Inexplicably popular game in which children who never grew up bounce a ball and try to be the meathead team of five that places the ball through a hoop the most times in a given time period
Football - the ultimate meathead sport, in which two teams of meatheads try to beat the little brains remaining out of each other in order to advance an oblong object towards either end of a 300 foot field.
Boxing - a sport in which two meatheads enter a ring and demonstrate in no uncertain terms their disdain for brains.
Mixed-martial arts - similar to boxing, except the meatheads demonstrate an extreme dislike for all bodily organs.
Olympic sports - meatheads from around the globe congregate to compete for a spot on next month's cereal box.
Marathon - a bastardized version of the original, in which overly self-important assholes run a long way and, for the most part, fail to die as originally intended.
Marathoner - a severely damaged human being that has nothing better to do than run for hours on end. For some reason, these people never confront whatever it is from which they are running.
Sprinter - a marathoner with attention deficit disorder.
Tennis - Ping-pong for meatheads, spectated mostly by rich white folks (see golf).
Golf - Meatheads try to hit a ball across a large swath of what should be wilderness, while rich white people spectate and plot how to ruin the rest of the world.
Soccer - Referred to as the world sport because anyone can play it, even destitute kids with both arms blown off from sectarian violence. In the absence of balls, human heads have been used the world over as a subsitutue.
Sports Commentator - A lowlife who makes their career describing the actions of meatheads.
Sports Fan - base human beings that are too fat or weak to be athletes and too dumb to read.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Continuity of Operations
People love to hate on Trump. And it's deserved. The guy is a total bag of shit. Complete. In every conceivable way. I'm not arguing that he exemplifies all of the very worst qualities of humanity, wrapped up in a bloated, hauntingly ugly package. As if the asshole gene had finally been isolated, grown in a test tube, and unwittingly unleashed upon an unsuspecting and unprepared world from a secret government lab.
But what I do question is the belief that "voting" is somehow the answer any of the most pressing problems facing the United States. As if removing Trump from office is in any way going to instantly make America a better place, or fix any of the deep, endemic problems facing the nation.
In point of fact Trump is the very caricature of our dying, overspread empire. He is bloated. Wasteful. Ignorant. Militaristic. Unapologetic. Anti-intellectual. All these things that America has been for a very long time, except taking human form.
And in many ways he is the first unabashedly honest American president, in that he is completely, unabashedly fake. A total fraud. Usually the elite put palatable people into place, alternating red vs. blue sound byte machines that are soothing to the American eardrum. But through every administration, Democrat or Republican, the empire's agenda continues in a remarkably consistent direction. Bipartisan agreement? What a joke. This country is and always has been unipartisan. The rich. End of story. Plutocracy from day one. The two-party system is just a perversion of sport, segmenting the population into two factions rooting for their favorite team. And just as in sports, no one seems to realize that the players are all the same meatheaded assholes, just with different shirts.
With the selection of Trump as the current distractor-in-chief, the power elite seem to have bitten off more than they can chew. Then again, that may all be part of the planned smokescreen. Or maybe they just think it's funny watching everyone harp on his every Tweet while they rob us all blind.
Lately I've been reading a lot about the real history of America. Not the whitewash crap you get in your history texts. No, the real story of power in America and the evolution and consequences of our global empire. Devil's Chessboard. In the Shadows of the American Century. The Power Elite. Dirty Wars. Overthrow. You want to take a hard look in the mirror, America? These are a good start.
And plenty of Gore Vidal. In the end, I tend to agree with him the most. It's time for a constitutional convention to dissolve the United States. Way past time. We've done enough damage to the world. Time to let someone else take over.
And time for the states to handle their own business. No longer would blue states have to even speak to red states, and vice versa, if they so choose. I would think the West Coast would unite, likely with a Colorado or Nevada thrown in there for kicks. Call it the Western Republic. Likely the Northeast states could merge as well. Hell, call it New England and cozy up to Canada and the U.K.
Texas could become it's own republic. I doubt Texas would want to economically prop up all the leftover red states like we all are now, pouring disability funds into them so they can vote against taxes. The rest of the states would just become forgotten gas stops between the big three. Resigned to history, or heritage, or whatever they call their homegrown version of bigotry these days. I'm sure you could get them to vote for their own economic demise. Just slap a Tea Party logo on it and it's a done deal!
All pipe dreams, I know. Will never happen. There's too much capital invested in this hulking juggernaut to let it fracture.
Once again, I'm kind of struck at how stark-ravingly obvious the sham has become. With all the cyber issues circulating the propaganda machine, they've pretty much told you flat out that the results are whatever they decide is best for you. After all, the voting machines aren't connected to anything. Why else would they be so ill-designed that a 12-year old could hack them? Neither are the canditates connected, except to gigantic corporate donors. Your so-called "representatives" in Congress, just how well do they "represent" you and your needs. Not a damn bit is my guess. So what is it? The nice suit? The nice smile? More that he's on your team, and the other guy is on the other team. That's the ticket, right?
I'm guessing the power elite have realized that their Trump card was overplayed, and you'll see a swing to Democratic control of the Senate come November. And half the country will celebrate, believing themselves and the country partially vindicated.......the other half will sulk at their team's recent defeat. Washington will again be settled in its as-designed gridlock.
But the drones will still be dropping bombs all over the world map at an ever increasing rate, in dozens of countries, killing untold numbers of civilians and, quite conveniently, creating more "terrorists" to target down the line. The NSA will still be reading all of your emails, texts, online activity, and calls. At more than a thousand U.S. military installations scattered across the globe, people will go to work doing exactly whatever it is they do to preserve the empire, whether or not they can admit to themselves that this is their function.
And here at home, you'll go to work every day until you're old enough to retire. You'll pay a remarkable portion of your pay to fund the empire, whether you admit that to yourself or not. Most of your money will be fed back to banks and companies solidly vested in the maintenance of the empire. All of your taxes....empire building and maintenance. Food, gas money, mortgage, all of it going to expand their power. Your parents and your kids, same thing, different life.
If you're lucky, you are comfortable. Or at least getting by. For now. And besides, you are an outstanding citizen. You even vote...whatever that means.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
The fire rises
Where's the joy? You may want to check Scandinavia ....... or any other first world country that doesn't have its own head up its ...
I have to hand it to Carbon Leaf. Blue Ridge Laughing just popped on Pandora. "I am unearthed and no longer scared. I am unearthed an...