Sunday, November 27, 2016

Even this was too optimistic

This was written in 2010.  The end of his first scenario (pasted below), which was estimated to happen around 2025, just happened.  It's over, folks.  

Time to get a job in the East.  Australia is sounding pretty good right now.  Or, offgrid it and go to Ireland.  

I am halfway through "The Devil's Chessboard" by Talbot.  It details the life, constant treasonous acts, and moral bankruptcy of Allen Dulles and his Wall Street cronies.  From protecting their rich nazi pals during and after WWII, the McCarthy era, numerous overthrows of democratic governments, all the way through the Kennedy assassination, it details the dark side of our laughable "democracy."  The use of the CIA as a personal extragovernmental tool to protect the wealth of his friends, and to undermine the American government and democracy here at home.  So, in a nutshell, we had this coming.  We have been building bad karma for a long, long time......

"Faced with a fading superpower incapable of paying the bills, China, India, Iran, Russia, and other powers, great and regional, provocatively challenge U.S. dominion over the oceans, space, and cyberspace.  Meanwhile, amid soaring prices, ever-rising unemployment, and a continuing decline in real wages, domestic divisions widen into violent clashes and divisive debates, often over remarkably irrelevant issues. Riding a political tide of disillusionment and despair, a far-right patriot captures the presidency with thundering rhetoric, demanding respect for American authority and threatening military retaliation or economic reprisal. The world pays next to no attention as the American Century ends in silence."

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Found my 2020 candidate already

This guy 4 prez:

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Apparently bagpipes and the Confederate flag were combined in the Ashland holiday parade.

Not sure why my parents would send me this, other than to scare the living shit out of me.  

The parade clip not shown, but the resultinh texts back and forth are.  

Seriously reconsidering the trip home for my mom's birthday.  And all subsequent trips to the wastes, for that matter.  

Thursday, November 17, 2016

On the nose

My new mug came in....

Song of the week

You are free by Jimmy Eat World:

Riddles keep me up at night
A lonely feeling to be understood
You told me often how it was
But I wasn't ready to heart it so plain
Amazing, the effort we put in
Amazing, the emotional bridges, tunnels, roads, and ways
We go around what's one step from our face
I see it clearly now
Honey, you are free
As much as you can stand to be
You are free
And it's anything you think that means
You are free
To be who you want
What you need, yeah, who you want
What you need, baby, you are free
Everyone has their opinions
But I'm the one that's gotta walk it
So much fear to get over
And so much pain to get past
Wish there was a easy way through
Wish there was a way to learn it all and have
My bright new shiny tools
Without the cost attached
I think we've paid enough
Honey, you are free
As much as you can stand to be
You are free
And it's anything you think that means
You are free
To be who you want
What you need, yeah, who you want
What you need, baby, you are free
I think we've paid enough
I think we've paid enough
Honey, you are free
As much as you can stand to be
You are free
And it's anything you think that means
You are free
To be who you want
What you need, yeah, who you want
What you need, baby, you are free

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Python the sage

So I am learning Python.  It is great so far.  The example today was programming your own magic 8 ball.  Just generating a random answer was boring, so I modified it to accept questions and give a randomly selected answer back to the user.

I am shitting you not, this is a screenshot of the first run of the program.  Python's text is blue.  My questions are in black.

Unfortunately, the computer says we are all doomed.  Therefore, it won't be able to run as a candidate next election.

Hunger strike, day 1

Following my recently reawakened survivalist train of thought, it has been a while since I went without food.  Time to get the body back into that mode.  

What better reason than the ultimate Tuesday fuckup to go on a hunger strike? 

Today is day 1 of a planned 14 day liquid diet.  Just got all my food for the next two weeks for $35 at Harris Teeter.  V8 is on sale for $2.50 a bottle.

1 bottle of V8 per day.  To drink:  water.

Hopefully will check in daily, but according to the guy that went on an all juice diet, by day three you just want to lie around and be away from society, since food is such a central part of our interaction with other human beings.

Which, if anything, complete social isolation sounds closer to my natural state.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

His real name

Thanks to Jon Stewart for outing his real name a while back.

I plan to use this moniker at high volune whenever I see him on TV at the inlaws for the next 4-8 years, and FVC for short, since I can't bring myself to say "President T......"  
Hell, I can't even type it.  

Fuckface von Clownstick and his loyal band of Fucktards.  Certainly not eloquent, but remarkably accurate.

China wins....figuratively and literally

With this gem, China summed it up.  This election cycle will stand as China's ultimate rebuttal to democracy for....well, forever.  Or, at least, the rest of society as we know it.

The survival rate for humanity just dropped SIGNIFICANTLY.  Not that it was that high to begin with.  America just chose the form of the destructor, folks.

"On a long enough time frame, the survival rate of everyone drops to zero."

Feeling unusually motivated, though.  My original reason for starting to run in high school was training for the apocalypse, after all.  Tonight I will be running quarters in the cold punctuated by pushups after Ryan hits the sack, with my Bane-esque particulate mask on just for kicks.  

"And so I will feed the people hope to poison their souls....."

Installed the Army PRT app on my phone to start my own personal bootcamp beginning tomorrow.  Wonder if there is a Krav Maga studio around here.  

Prepare yourselves!

Way to go evangelicals....

"DT is an antichrist, right down to the fact that Christians love him....."

Guess they finally get to act out their favorite book.....Revelation!

Another good one

Love it...

Lucky bastard got out in the 80s:

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Oh boy...

Thats right, America.  Looks like a Donald Trump presidency.

Holy fucking shit.

Anybody wanna start a compound somewhere in South America?  Was talking to Tyler last week and we were pretty sure South America will be spared in a nuclear exchange.

A few years ago I would have just laughed it off and be the first to ride the blast wave. 

Now I have Ryan to think about.  Guess I will be looking at international job opportunities tomorrow.  I doubt anyone will bother to nuke Singapore.

Either that or quit here, buy a house cash away from the city, and start a food truck with Schwartz.

Tending bar in Hawaii also works.  

Damn, maybe I've been thinking about this all wrong.  Perhaps impetus to bug out isn't all that bad.  Literally all those options sound more fun, if nowhere near as lucrative, than rotting in a cubicle for another 19 years.  

Maybe we can all stop treading water and start swimming.

I said a year ago that whoever nominated the outsider would win.  I hate it when I'm right........

First job application if Trump wins.....

The fire rises
